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Mother, Let's Peek Tips on Maintaining Children's Health at the Age of 1-2 years

The age of 12 months or 1 year is a period in which the child is actively active and starts exploring. Starting from crawling here and there, to playing while putting various objects in his mouth. This is the time where Mother needs to monitor and maintain the health of the child well. As a child ages, more and more new things need to be learned and done to support their development. Therefore, it is important for parents to always pay attention to the child's development and what is needed by it. Being creative is one thing that is important for Father and Mother in accompanying the development of the Little One.

Love Babies and Practice These Tips

To maintain the health of children at this age, Mother needs to be more creative in dealing with children. The following are some tips for maintaining the health of children aged 1 to 2 years that Mother can practice:
  • Take care of Little One's food

  • At this age, children will usually be more curious about what is around them, including in terms of food. Mother may also be motivated to provide various types of food to children. But wait, not all food is safe for children to eat at this age. Some foods are recommended to be avoided, one of which is food that can make it choke. If you want to give your child fruit or vegetables, try to cut it into small pieces. In addition to ensuring its size, make sure also the level of softness of food given to the baby. Avoid giving small but hard foods, such as nuts, popcorn, or candy, because of the risk of causing your child to choke. Also avoid foods that are soft, but sticky. Foods such as marshmallows or chewing gum are also potentially stuck in a child's throat. In addition, avoid foods that can trigger allergies in children.
  • Perform immunizations

  • Immunization is important for maintaining children's health. Therefore, remember carefully the child's immunization schedule. At the age of 12-18 months, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association recommends immunizations that need to be given are immunization against polio, repeat DPT, MR, measles, hepatitis A, influenza, varicella, and PCV. Contact your doctor or child vaccination site, to find out the right schedule for immunization Little.
  • Play and learn

  • Fill in Mother and Little One's time by playing games that are not only fun, but also teach them various things and hone their motor skills. For example, building a sand castle, or playing the game 'fill the bucket' where Mother and Little Play to collect things. Can also fill the bottle with grains or rice. So, children can also learn to make sounds from these objects. If your child is over 18 months old, you can ask him to play play dough (play dough or wax). You do this by mixing one cup of flour, one cup of water, half a cup of salt, two tablespoons of cream, food coloring, and one tablespoon of oil. Stir over medium heat until it forms a dough. After the dough is cold, Little can create various creations using the dough.
  • Pay attention to your baby's bedtime

  • Sleep is an important activity for children. Take care of children's health by paying attention to their sleep patterns. Adequate sleep can help a child's body to ward off disease, help its growth and development, and make the mind power and memory better. At the age of 1-3 years, a child tends to need to sleep at least 11-14 hours a day. So make sure the child doesn't miss a nap and doesn't sleep too late.
  • Wash hands and feet before going to sleep

  • In addition to hygiene reasons, washing hands and feet before going to bed also aims to keep children from various diseases. Some diseases that can be prevented by washing hands and feet regularly are diarrhea, flu, skin infections (impetigo), conjunctivitis, and respiratory infections. Therefore, do not forget to teach children the importance of washing hands.
Children are a beautiful gift for parents. Therefore, love and pay close attention to children's health. If you feel suspicious that your child is not feeling well, check with your pediatrician to find out the cause with certainty, and to be given immediate treatment.
